About Post Graduation in Germany

Post Graduation in German Language is called "Die Weiterbildung" meaning post graduation literally. Medical PG in Germany is a 5 or 6 years affair. 5 years for medical branches and 6 for surgical. With possibility of some variation this period is counted from the day one gets a permanent medical licence, the so called "Deutsche Approbation", in Germany. Knowing German language is the single most important prerequisite along with being one of the most important, lengthy and strenuous aspect.

One of the fundamental difference between doing PG in India and in Germany is that, in India MD/MS comes in mind first and then we think of Super but in Germany PG sort of starts with keeping Super in mind (which I personally found very difficult to decide in the beginning). In this regard I'm sharing a Link with the Inhalt of Post Graduation in all the subjects. The Inhalt is for "Landesärztekammer Baden-Württemberg" and should be taken as very good gist of the Inhalt for all the states rather than a norm. In the beginning this should help in deciding in which subject to start, which might save some time in future along with gathering important experience in Germany in the field of choice.

Although the topic of "the possibilities after finishing the PG in Germany" is way in future, it was a big question before me while making the decision of coming to Germany. Furthermore many people ask this question whether or not the degree is recognized in India. So I'm including this topic right in the introductory part. The current status on recognition of PG in Germany in India is unclear. This is a News Article in Times of India. Additionally I'm putting links of two MCI web pages. The Third Schedule of IMC Act and Registration_of_Additional_Qualification_26_1_B. Its my hearty request for everyone reading this blog to go through these and any other valid sources if possible and share the opinions and any other information. From several queries put before MCI by many doctors directly and the vague information put on MCI website (with even some spelling mistakes) its apparent that currently they are themselves unclear of the entire situation. If you want to settle in Germany instead of going back to India then the path is easy and simple. You work as a Facharzt and keep rising as Oberarzt, Leitender Oberarzt and ultimately Chefarzt. Setting a private practice will earn you the most amount of money.


  1. Wow, I really appreciate your articles! It's difficult to collect information on medical careers in Germany, especially in English. I have subscribed :)

    May I ask, is it possible that I apply the Blue card with Berufserlaubnis? I am concerned with the VISA and the Niederlassungserlaubnis. Thanks!

    1. you are most welcome! amd yes, you can surely apply and get blue card with Berufserlaubnis. my current status is the same.

  2. hello, i wanted to know that whether i should go to germany with the help of consultant here from Mackwin's education or on my own.. which will be affordable

  3. Hi shripad, I am dr.nikhil done my md general medicine in india and got 4 yrs work experience after my md .Now i want to come to Germany and settle over there.so just by learning German language can i do a job over there or again i have to do postgraduation over there.Thanks in advance

    1. hi Dr. Nikhil, to work here you have to get the approbation, for which you may have to give an exam, no one can say for sure if you could skip it with your experience, you have to personally clear that in respected office. you don't have to do the pg as long as you are ready to work as an assisstenzarzt and not facharzt for the rest of your life.

  4. Hello, Dr Joshi, your blog is very informative. However, I am troubled by certain terms. My situation is similar to Dr Nikhil above. I am an MCh CTVS. Is it possible for me to clear their exam and work as a consultant or would I have to do surgical training again? Thank you.


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