
Showing posts from November, 2017

About Post Graduation in Germany

Post Graduation in German Language is called  "Die Weiterbildung"  meaning post graduation literally. Medical PG in Germany is a 5 or 6 years affair. 5 years for medical branches and 6 for surgical. With possibility of some variation this period is counted from the day one gets a permanent medical licence, the so called "Deutsche Approbation", in Germany. Knowing German language is the single most important prerequisite along with being one of the most important, lengthy and strenuous aspect. One of the fundamental difference between doing PG in India and in Germany is that, in India MD/MS comes in mind first and then we think of Super but in Germany PG sort of starts with keeping Super in mind (which I personally found very difficult to decide in the beginning). In this regard I'm sharing a  Link  with the Inhalt of Post Graduation in all the subjects. The Inhalt is for "Landesärztekammer Baden-Württemberg" and should be taken as very good gist of

Finding a job & giving an interview

Preparation: Unlike in India there is no centralized exam to get a residency in Germany, at least so far. There are pros and cons about that. Con is that one has to apply self to every hospital possible to get a residency, or job is the word most frequently used in Germany. Indian doctors do not have a lot of experience with this kind of selection process and has to work on it a bit in the beginning. The biggest and most important pro according to me is that we can be absolutely sure that we'll definitely get the branch of our linking eventually. Job Search: The most complicated aspect of getting a job is finding one. Over the time I heard some ways and tricks from many people which I'm gonna list below. a) THE LIST: My friend gave me this list of hospitals in the state of Bavaria. I personally used this list and got several interviews.  THE LIST . b) Job sites: Additionally I also used some more websites dedicated for job search in Germany.  This  is one such webs

After getting a job

Einstellungszusage or Stellezusage is the confirmation that a hospital is ready to employ you. Once you get this letter you decide if want to work for this hospital or not. If yes then you contact the hospital with your positive answer and then they'll prepare the contract for you. Most likely they'll send the contract through post, sometimes through email. Same applies for sending your signed copy back to the hospital. After this you'll have to apply for a residence permit or Aufenthaltserlaubnis. (You may have to apply for Berufserlaubnis or Approbation additionally, since I had the Berufserlaubnis before getting the job my scenario is little different.) If your salary is more than €3300/month, then you can apply for a "Blue Card". If not you have to apply for a normal "Aufenthaltserlaubnis". Two important advantages of a Blue card over a normal Aufenthaltserlaubnis are: in case you lose or quit a job you get 3 months to find a new one; and you get

Before coming to Germany

Medical Documents: This list includes medical certificates one absolutely need to gather before coming to Germany to apply eventually for licence to practice medicine here. These are the documents one must translate in German. I would advice on doing the translations in Germany. Its convenient to also carry every other documents one find important for himself and translate if asked. Most of our documents are partly or entirely in English, which makes it easier to find an authorized translator here. Degree Certificate Licence to Practice medicine in India  (State or MCI) Internship Completion Certificate  (University) Internship Completion Certificate  (Issued to me by my college as  Annexure II  with period of postings in individual department) Passing Certificate Transcript  - (This document has detailed hours of attended lectures and clinics, marks obtained in all years and a  page saying one was a bonafide student of given college  etc., it is very important if one is plan


Hello People!!! My name is Dr. Shripad Joshi. I'm from Pune, Maharashtra. I completed my M.B.B.S. from Dr. Vikhe Patil Medical College, Ahmednagar in year 2014. In the early part of 2015 I came to know about the possibility of doing Post Graduation in Germany through a friend. After getting to know some details and giving it a little thought I realized that its a great opportunity for me in many aspects and hence commenced my Journey in its direction. I currently work in a "Reha-Zentrum" as "Assistenzarzt in Neurologie" with a "Berufserlaubnis" and quite frankly the journey till date was full of too many ups and downs. This I suppose was mostly because of either lack of  concrete information or the information altogether. Hence I decided to write this blog with the Hope that it would ease up the path a little for others. I would be very glad if everyone could benefit from this blog, although I'm writing it keeping Indian Doctors who have compet

Licence to practice medicine in Germany

There are basically two types of licenses issued for doctors to practice medicine in Germany. Berufserlaubnis and Approbation. The procedure for getting these documents is called "ANERKENNUNG DER BERUFLICHEN QUALIFIKATION" . Many of the related questions are answered  here . Berufserlaubnis: Its the temporary licence issued mostly for 2 years. Currently every state has an exam called Fachsprachprüfung, to be cleared to get Berufserlaubnis. This exam is taken to test only and only language proficiency. One important thing to be kept in mind is that with Berufserlaubnis one can only work in a hospital as a doctor but this time is not counted in the "Weiterbildung" or post graduation. The Fachsprachprüfung can be taken as many times as possible. For some states having a job is a prerequisite to apply for the exam (Nordrhein Westfalen), while some can let you apple without having a job (Bayern). The document and language requirements for different states also varies