Finding a job & giving an interview


Unlike in India there is no centralized exam to get a residency in Germany, at least so far. There are pros and cons about that. Con is that one has to apply self to every hospital possible to get a residency, or job is the word most frequently used in Germany. Indian doctors do not have a lot of experience with this kind of selection process and has to work on it a bit in the beginning. The biggest and most important pro according to me is that we can be absolutely sure that we'll definitely get the branch of our linking eventually.

Job Search:

The most complicated aspect of getting a job is finding one. Over the time I heard some ways and tricks from many people which I'm gonna list below.

a) THE LIST: My friend gave me this list of hospitals in the state of Bavaria. I personally used this list and got several interviews. THE LIST.

b) Job sites: Additionally I also used some more websites dedicated for job search in Germany. This is one such website I used the most as an example. Many other can be found on google search.

c) Agents: There are some Germany based agents who could arrange the interviews for you. They are absolutely free for us. Just that everything else; like learning German, coming to Germany and other bureaucratic procedures etc., have to be to done on our own. I personally got my current job through a  Munich based HiPo Executive. There are also many other names one can find with google search.

Sending the Job Application:

Once you find the emails of Chefarzt, Chefarztsekretärin, Personalleiter or other similar persons, its time to prepare for the Job application. This is the text for body of email and some templates for other required documents: AnschreibenResume. Which documents to be sent is an individual choice. Same documents can to be printed and sent through post. Although its not absolutely must thing as the related Indian documents are in English but you can also add the translated copies if you wish. Initially you may face several rejections. No need to reply to every rejection letter. But you may have to make some changes in application here and there.

Preparing for Interview:

There are several things to be planed and worked on, after getting a call for an interview. Foremost thing is to send an email thanking the hospital for offering you an interview. In this same email you will also confirm that the date and time offered by the hospital is acceptable to you.

There are some standard INTERVIEW QUESTIONS we prepared. Although at this level its best that you communicate very well in German, preparing these questions very well leaves good impression if your German is little week.

Its individual opinion and experience as what to wear for interview, I always wore a suit and tie. Always try your best to reach at right time, preferably 15-30 min earlier for your convenience. In all of my interviews I've been specially told that they were very impressed with my punctuality. When you send the job application through email Chefarzt will already have copies of all the documents you sent, although its better to carry few extra copies along with Originals to the interview.

After the interviews one more email needs to be sent thanking for interview or hospitation or anything else they offered like overnight stay etc. called Bedankenschreiben.


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